Acupuncture and Coccy(go)dynia One of the most specialized applications of Acupuncture concerns coccygodynia (or coccydynia) either as the result of trauma or as treatment (rather than cure) of chronic regional pain of unknown etiology. As repeatedly mentioned, Acupuncture is now regarded Complementary Medicine (rather than alternative therapy) and its use is particularly indicated, whenever a […]
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Acupuncture and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome – CTS Carpal tunnel syndrome is probably the most common nerve entrapment syndrome in the body and certainly the best known one. Nerve entrapment syndrome is called the condition in which a nerve trunk is compressed in a specific anatomical area by a specific anatomical structure. In the case of […]
Therapeutic Exercise
Therapeutic Exercise Greek Central Council of Health, in a recent decision 3/270/6.7.2018, recognizes 3 therapeutic modalities, namely Therapeutic Exercise, Spa Medicine and Acupuncture as “Complementary Medicine” rather than alternative methods in the Complementary and Alternative Medicine – CAM complex. However, six years later, the “Terms and Conditions for practicing the above-mentioned medical activities” have not […]
Acupuncture and Orthopedics
Acupuncture and Orthopedics Shortly after qualifying as an Orthopedic Surgeon, back in 2002, I found myself working in primary care. The Orthopedic Surgeon, as a primary care physician, deals with all accidents in the workplace, ideally working to prevent accidents and other occupational hazards, all occupational diseases of the musculoskeletal system, especially back pain and […]
Bone Metabolic Disorders
Bone Metabolic Disorders Bone Metabolic Disorders is a relatively new discipline, which mainly concerns Orthopedic Surgeons, Rheumatologists, Endocrinologists and Physiatrists, without excluding any other medical specialty, as is the case with radiologists and biopathologists who choose to be actively involved in this field. The differing points of view for each medical specialty is an intriguing […]
Bone & Joint Surgery
Bone & Joint Surgery Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology is a huge discipline, covering a variety of afflictions all over the human body, not limited to bone and joints, but also affecting tendons, muscles, nerves and peripheral vessels. This is the full title of the specialty, but it is equally known as Bone and Joint Surgery, […]